Thursday, July 9, 2009

florence 07.06.09

I just arrived in Florence, Italy. We took a train from Rome for one and a half hours, which was a little chaotic. Once we got all our luggage we headed to the hotel. The rooms are a little crowded, but being in the center of everything makes up for it. We can walk right out the door and there are restaurants, shopping, and major architectural buildings minutes away.
There was a little free time to shop, but then we had a tour planned to see the duomo, other churches, and a detailed tour of Florence. The style here is quite a bit different then Rome. The buildings that have apartments and shops in them are much less detailed and are closer together. At least here the cars are not allowed on some of the smaller streets. We are able to roam around without feeling like we are going to get ran over quite as often. Then the really old and important churches and buildings have more of a gothic and renaissance style to them. So they are much less ornate, but are very pleasing to the eye still. Our tour guide took us on a couple detours and gave us the chance to see some things that most tourists are not able to. We saw one of Michaelangelos first sculptures, it was amazing. He was very young when he started doing the arts, and it didn’t take long for him to make great work. He really is an idol for a lot of people to strive to be like. I felt like I was in the Renassaince period when standing next to the duomo. It was beautiful and had a lot of detail but it was not overpowering at all.